all we are is where we have been // all we feel is where we are not
In the pre-dawn hours, as I circle the sun once more and with the new moon’s dark start, this echos in my body again and again.
with faces drawn by my kiddo
all we are is where we have been // all we feel is where we are not
In the pre-dawn hours, as I circle the sun once more and with the new moon’s dark start, this echos in my body again and again.
with faces drawn by my kiddo
The Schoolhouse table, all set up, waiting for me. I’m so ready.
I listened to “stars + birds, babes + sages” (nodding at ya William Channing)
In the early morning, I heard coyotes + cranes + a great horned owl. I wrote about ferns + third grade and dreamed a little too. It’s quiet now and my body feels electric. What do you say?
A Linnea in their natural habitat ️
We have landed in Northern Michigan. The skies are wider, the nights are darker, the roads are longer, faster, and louder. Yes, louder. The schoolhouse needs a good spring scrubbing and we need to cozy into our corners of Up North Life. But first, the beach. Well, even the beaches this summer, are a little funky due to massive alewife die-offs. I already know there will be a future Peppermint Alley Press entry about this. But not today.
So this is a Linnea in their natural habitat. A little more room for wandering, a little more time for watching the horizon and wondering at the stars. The light softens and my face does too.
Today’s Rhys-ism: I love you like a circle that never ends. He’s on a … Roll 🥁
“my love for you is greater than the whole universe… It’s always expanding” -Rhys the tender-hearted, age 7.5
Today’s Rhys-ism: I love you like a circle that never ends.
When he was just a few years old, he would tell me, “I love you more than chocolate chips.” And this kid really loves chocolate chips. Lately he has wanted to learn about space, planets, and the universe. And he continues to grapple with how to hold the vastness of connection.
And yet, he also really questions the concept of never-ending, always=present, unconditional love. How can you love someone when you’re mad at them? You don’t love me when you yell. You just can’t love someone ALLLLL the time. We get into these questions and ponderings a little more each time. I am here for the questions, that’s for sure.